Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back in the Saddle

As some of you know, I broke my leg back in April and haven't been training for the general public. I swallowed my pride, and used my older, beentheredonethat lesson horse for the first couple of rides back in June. It was ugly. I have a whole new understanding of how my lesson students feel. When you haven't developed the physical fitness necessary to ride (or have lost it from sitting on your butt with a broken leg), it's pretty darn hard to do things! Since then, I've been riding my horses and a select few outside horses, working on building my fitness level back up. Lessons learned from this experience:
  • It gets easier, really.
  • Consistency is key.
  • Work on general fitness as well as riding-specific activities.
  • Don't be in a hurry, but don't be sluggish either.
  • Pay attention to your body position. If you don't use it, you aren't going to build muscle or develop a good seat.
My riding is back to nearly normal, and I'm starting colts again, but it's been an interesting road to recovery. If you start to think that you can't do something (I'm too old, too out of shape, too whatever), remember that with a good plan, some determination, and the right support system, you greatly increase the odds of your success. If it's something you truly want to do, don't give up.