Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's not just about horses ...

I love seeing animal tracks in the snow. As I was riding yesterday, I noticed trails from rabbits, coyotes, deer, and other critters. It's so cool to see what path they took, where they stopped, and trace out their movements. It brings back memories of my grandfather teaching me the different tracks, and the wonderful hours we spent in the woods together. Rabbit tracks have always been one of my favorites, just because of the different way they look. I can vividly remember Grandpa drawing the snow the way their feet landed, to create such a weird design. That sense of wonder and awe at the beauty and intricacy of the natural world has never left me. My message to you, is to get out and explore. Especially with children. Horseback riding, hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, whatever it is. Nature surrounds us, grounds us, and reminds us that we are part of a much bigger whole.